Friday, June 29, 2012

Peace of Mind.

What!? Another blog? More space for daily rants...Why?

Why indeed. I have been thinking about 'Blog My Way' for a long time now. So what is 'Blog My Way' about exactly?

It's basically me, still me C.J Duggan but it will be more eclectic a space for thoughts but mostly it will be one space, one place to unload the things on my mind. The good things! It will be about all the things I love in life and sharing with you. Oh dear, I am starting to sound like Oprah.

The aim of this blog isn't to get a huge following (although) if that happens, fantastic! But this is more like a private Oasis for my over crowded mind. How does it differ from my other blog? Well the C.J Duggan blog is directed more towards my novels and writing and marketing my experiences. Not to say that writing will not feature here, writing is my life it is an extension of who I am so it will most definitely feature here too, but it will be amidst all the other loves in my life. Reading, cooking, music, travel, home decor and anything else that strikes my fancy. Sometimes, and for me it's quite often, I will stumble across something beautiful, a picture, a book, a new techy thingy-ma-jiggy. And now I have a place to store it, and who knows you might discover something new in the process?

It will also be a nice space to develop on the rainy days, or the cloudy days when the writing is not coming so easily. I think everyone needs spaces like this in their lives, it's just a matter of thinking about what is good in life, what do I love and then unloading them into a one stop shop if you will.

Welcome to Blog My Way.

C.J x

Once Upon A Blog...

Welcome to Blog My Way...

Showcasing the non dormant thoughts of Australian Author C.J Duggan.